Horus Heresy

So I just wanted to document my Horus Heresy reading order

Horus Rising 5/5 *
False Gods 5/5 *
Galaxy in Flames 5/5 *
The Flight of The Eisenstein 5/5
Descent of Angels 1/5
The First Heretic 2/5
Legion 5/5 *
The Last Church 4/5
A Thousand Sons 5/5 *
Prospero Burns 5/5 *
The Outcast Dead 2/5
Fulgrim 4.5/5
The Phoenician 3/5
Mercy of the Dragon 3/5
After Desh’ea 4/5
Wolf at the Door 5/5 *
Scions of the Storm 4/5
Call of the Lion 4/5
Mechanicum 5/5
Blood Games 10/5 WOW!
Fallen Angels 5/5
Savage weapons 5/5
Massacre 3/5
Aurelien 5/5 *
Brotherhood of the Storm 3/5
Riven 4/5
Veritas Ferrum 3/5
Kryptos 4.5/5
Howl of the Hearthworld 3/5
Lord of the Red Sands 4/5

Got any questions about this article? Just pop me an email.